Tampa Business Attorneys, Tampa Contract Lawyers, Tampa Real Estate Attorneys, Tampa Eviction Attorneys, Tampa Lease Lawyers, Tampa Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys, Tampa Prenup Lawyers, and Tampa Prenuptial Attorneys.
Aren't Prenuptial Agreements Just for Wealthy People?
When most people think about prenuptial agreements, they often think that such arrangements are only necessary for rich, famous and wealthy people - for celebrities like Donald Trump who wrote in his book Trump: How to Get Rich that "We needed a bus to get Ivana's lawyers to court. It was a disaster, but I had a solid prenup, and it held up."
However, prenups aren't just for wealthy people.
Our Tampa prenup attorneys prepare contracts for a wide spectrum of individual - some of whom are wealthy, but many of whom are simply concerned about protecting their future rights and who desire to protect themselves against potential costly litigation in the unfortunate and unforeseen event of a divorce.
As discussed in other areas of our website, the clients of our Tampa prenup attorneys run the gamut.
Our Tampa prenup attorneys oftentimes represent young business owners or people just embarking on their career choice who haven't yet amassed a fortune but who are confident that someday, after years of hard work, sustained effort and maybe some luck, they'll have a nice sized nest egg to protect.
Some of our clients are a bit older, close to retirement and want to ensure that their hard earned pensions and retirement funds are squandered if their upcoming nuptials don't work out.
Other clients of our Tampa prenup attorneys have already been through the gut wrenching ordeal that a divorce presents, are entering into their second marriages with their eyes wide open, and desire to make the necessary arrangements to avoid another uncertain outcome if a second walk down the aisle turns into heartbreak.
And then, some of our clients have children with someone other than their fiancé and want to make sure that whatever assets, wealth and property that they bear from the fruits of their labor is not diluted by a spousal support or property division ruling resulting from a failed marriage.
If you are in need of a Tampa prenup attorney, a Tampa prenuptial attorney, a Tampa prenup agreement attorney, or a Tampa prenuptial agreement attorney, please feel free to contact us at any time.