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Tampa Business Attorneys, Tampa Contract Lawyers, Tampa Real Estate Attorneys, Tampa Eviction Attorneys and Tampa Lease Lawyers.

Kevin DiTanna, Hyde Park Law, Tampa lease lawyer, Tampa eviction attorneys, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, Tampa business attorneys

Lease Review and Preparation

Landlord Representation


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa eviction attorneys, Tampa business attorneys and Tampa contract attorneys have the ability to provide leasing representation to various types of landlords and lessors - private owners, property managers, property managers, real estate brokers, banks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and private landowners - whether you are based in Florida, nationally or internationally.  The experience of our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa eviction attorneys, Tampa business attorneys and Tampa contract lawyers, with our representation of all types of landlords of varying sizes and sophistication, sets us apart from our competitors.



Tenant Representation


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa eviction attorney, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers and Tampa real estate attorneys are skilled in representing businesses of all sizes, as well as individuals, in negotiating the terms of a lease and ensuring that such terms are included in the final lease form executed by the parties to the transaction.  Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, and Tampa eviction attorneys knowledge of the markets is a vital part of our representation of potential tenants and lessees and allows our Tampa lease lawyers to provide a level of protection for our clients. ​​


Commercial Real Estate Leases


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa eviction attorney, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, and Tampa real estate attorneys have represented clients in virtually every type of commercial real estate leasing transaction imaginable including office space, retail, shopping centers, flex space, enclosed malls, stand alone facilities and in-line space.


In addition, our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, and Tampa eviction attorneys are accustomed to representing clients in traditional office building and office space leases, as well a more "dirt" oriented leases like unimproved land, build-to-suit leases, ground leases or pad sites, as well as "big box" transactions, business parks, and mixed-use projects.


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract attorneys, Tampa real estate attorneys and Tampa eviction attorneys have even handled more industrial types of leases such as warehouse space, manufacturing facilities, industrial sites and cell phone towers.


Residential Real Estate Leases


In today's environment, our society has adopted a desire to be more mobile in where people hang their hat.  Simply relying on a real estate broker's "form" can often lead to issues when the lease expires.
As a result, oftentimes, our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys and Tampa eviction attorneys are approached to review and/or draft residential leases for homeowners, condominium unit owners, apartment complexes and duplex owners. 


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa eviction attorneys, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers and Tampa real estate attorneys also review proposed leases for prospective residential tenants and lessees, whether short or long term, and are proficient in Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes, which governs the leasing of real property.

Equipment Leases


​In today's world, equipment leasing and financing represents a primary means for companies to acquire the capital equipment needed to operate successful businesses.


Our Tampa lease lawyers, Tampa real estate attorneys, Tampa business attorneys, Tampa contract lawyers, and Tampa eviction attorneys are available to represent equipment lessors or lessees, finance companies, banks, lease brokers and equipment vendors in the  review, negotiation and preparing of documentation for simple or complex transactions involving the acquisition and/or financing of all type of capital equipment including manufacturing or industrial equipment, construction equipment, rolling stock, trucks and transportation equipment, agricultural machinery, medical and IT software and equipment, and business and office equipment.


If you are in need of a Tampa business attorney, Tampa contract lawyer or Tampa lease lawyer to review, negotiate or prepare your contract or lease or handle your business, real estate or commercial transaction, please feel free to contact us at any time.






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